KRC Shares Concerns With Sponsor And Committee On Lending Bill For Troubled Water Systems

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In written comments provided to the bill sponsor and the House Appropriations and Revenue Committee, KRC Attorney Audrey Ernstberger shared KRC's concerns with parts of HB 563 providing a significant role for a non-governmental organization whose membership includes rural water systems, in the scoring and selection of loans to troubled rural water systems that might include its members, or systems to which its affiliate may have previously provided loans.  In response, the bill sponsor may propose amendments to the bill to address KRC's concerns that the loan selection criteria and scoring should be under the control of the Kentucky Infrastructure Authority rather than any NGO.  To read KRC's testimony, click here.  KRC appreciates the willingness of the bill sponsor, Rep. Bray, to consider changes to address the concerns.
By KRC on 02/29/2024 8:08 PM
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