About Us

THE IMPORTANCE OF DIVERSITYThe Kentucky Resources Council believes every Kentuckian has a right to clean air, clean water, and land free of pollution. When the natural environment of our Commonwealth ...
ASHLEY WILMESexecutive directorAshley graduated from Centre College and the University of Oregon School of Law, earning a specialty certificate in Environment and Natural Resources Law. Before joining...
FROM OUR FRIENDSSometimes, we can best judge the effectiveness of an organization by looking through the eyes of others. Here are some of the notes we've received recently: All I had to ...
ALISON BROTZGE-ELDER Born in Louisville, Alison Brotzge-Elder is happy to found herself back in her hometown and on the Board of KRC. She currently is a Social Media Lead at Humana and has ...
Kentucky Resources Council These are the highlights of the Council’s accomplishments during the first thirty-two years.  Distilled from thousands of issues and cases on which the ...
 SUE ANNE SALMON COMMUNITY ADVOCACY AWARDNamed for Sue Anne Salmon, a leader in Kentucky environmental awareness, KRC presents this award for recent outstanding acts of courageous advocacy for ...
ANNUAL REPORT2023 Annual Report2023 Annual Summary2022 Annual Report2021 Annual Report2020 Annual Report2019 Annual Report View our Form 990 here....
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