2021 Legislative Update: #5

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This list profiles the environmental, conservation, consumer, and general government bills that the Kentucky Resources Council is supporting, opposing, and tracking during the 2021 General Assembly Regular Session. This year is a “short” session, and began on January 5, 2020, and on January 13, the General Assembly recessed until February 2, when the session reconvened with a scheduled adjournment of March 30. Beginning March 17 there is a “veto break” and they will reconvene on March 29 and 30th for two final days. 

Feel free to forward this to anyone you feel might be interested, and to utilize, reprint or quote from the bill analyses. We ask only that you attribute KRC as the source when you use our analytical material (so we can take all the blame for anything we’ve gotten wrong!) 

Read our 2021 General Assembly: Legislative Update #5
By Kentucky Resources Council on 02/26/2021 7:13 PM
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