Public Service Commission Ordered To Allow Participation In LG&E Rate Case By Low-Income Advocates And Sierra Club

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At 1:33 on November 21, 2018, the Franklin Circuit Court entered an Opinion and Order enjoining the Public Service Commission from preventing the participation of the Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Association of Community Ministries, Community Action Council, and Sierra Club, in the current LGE/KU rate cases before the Commission. KRC represents the Metro Housing Coalition in the LGE rate case.

The Commission, despite approving intervention for each of these organizations in a number of past rate cases and other utility-related proceedings, denied intervention in the pending cases, resulting in the filing of lawsuits challenging that denial as being arbitrary.

The temporary injunction orders the Commission to allow participation by the groups in the current rate cases. KRC is hopeful that the Commission will accept the Opinion and Order so that these groups can advocate in the pending LG&E and KU rate cases, on behalf of the particular concerns of low-income ratepayers, affordable housing advocates, and those concerned with the nexus of utility rate structure and design on environmental health and quality.

By Tom FitzGerald on 11/21/2018 3:21 PM
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