Land Use and Zoning

Kentucky Supreme Court Declares Bond Requirement Unconstitutional

The Ky Supreme Court struck down as unconstitutional a law which imposed a financial bond as a condition of appealing any planning or zoning decision from circuit court to the court of appeals. KRC filed a “friend of the court” brief in the case.

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KRC Opposes Bill Weakening Local Control Over Noise From Bitcoin Mining Operations

In comments, KRC expressed concerns with a bill overriding local control over noise associated with digital asset (bitcoin) mining. KRC believes local communities are best suited to determine when and where such activities should be allowed.

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Supreme Court To Hear Argument On Zoning Appeal Bond Law

KRC filed a "friend of the court" brief supporting the rejection of the zoning appeal bond law as unconstitutional. On February 7, 2024, the Kentucky Supreme Court will hear argument on the punitive and unfair law.

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Oct,01 2020

KRC Files Amicus Brief on Kentucky Billboard Act

The amicus curiae brief, filed by KRC on behalf of long-time ally Scenic Kentucky, supports the constitutionality of the Billboard Act.

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Aug,25 2020

KRC Comments on a Proposed Limestone Quarry

When KRC heard the concerns and received requests for assistance from a number of residents of Robertson County regarding a proposed limestone quarry that would be located adjacent to Indian Run, a tributary of the Licking River, KRC responded.

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Nucor Construction on the Bank of the Ohio River

KRC comments on the request by the Nucor Corporation for Section 404 Permit for their proposed Brandenburg, Kentucky steel plate mill.

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KRC Assists Residents of Powell County in Challenging Proposed Landfill

KRC represents Powell County citizens in challenging the issuance of a "less-than-one-acre" construction and demolition debris (CDD) landfill issued by the Energy and Environment Cabinet to Blaze Enterprises LLC.

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KRC Assists In Challenge To VA Hospital Proposal

KRC is working with the StroboBarkley law firm in the City of Crossgate's challenge to decision of the VA to build a new hospital on Brownsboro Road. The suit raises questions of compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act by the VA.

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Bill Would Impose Appeal Bond On Appeals To Court of Appeals In Planning And Zoning Cases

Bill Would Impose Appeal Bond On Appeals To Court of Appeals In Planning And Zoning Cases

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KRC Supplemental Comments On Proposed Anaerobic Digester Project

KRC Supplemental Comments On Proposed Anaerobic Digester Project

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KRC Statement Opposing Conditional Use Permit For Biodigester

This facility does not fit under the definition of a non-accessory alternative energy system, which is defined as [a]ny facility or installation such as a windmill, hydroelectric unit or solar collecting or concentrating array.

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Billboard Regulations Allowing Multiple Message Electronic Billboards

Billboard Regulations Allowing Multiple Message Electronic Billboards And Tree-Cutting In Public Rights-Of-Way Seriously Flawed

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KRC questions legality of proposed regulations allowing electronic multi-message billboards, and allowing destruction of trees in public rights of way to improve billboard visibility.

KRC questions legality of proposed regulations allowing electronic multi-message billboards, and allowing destruction of trees in public rights of way to improve billboard visibility.

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Aug,04 2013

Eminent Domain Explored

Understanding Eminent Domain in Kentucky and how it relates to the Bluegrass Pipeline Project

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Bullitt County Quarry Case Briefed And Awaiting Court Review

Bullitt County Quarry Case Briefed And Awaiting Court Review

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Land Use, the Land Ethic, and the 50-Year Farm Bill

We have seen a significant expansion, since 1970, of federal laws and programs, and corresponding state and local programs, directed at pollution control, air, water, coal mining, drinking water, and other statutes and programs.

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Will Multiple-Message Electronic Billboards Spread Along Kentucky's Highways?

Will Multiple-Message Electronic Billboards Spread Along Kentucky's Highways

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Council Voices Concerns Regarding Louisville Landmarks Ordinance Amendments

Council Voices Concerns Regarding Louisville Landmarks Ordinance Amendments

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Council seeks and receives assurances from Louisville Regional Airport Authority and FAA concerning easements at Bowman Field

Council seeks and receives assurances from Louisville Regional Airport Authority and FAA concerning easements at Bowman Field

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