
Kentucky halts authorization allowing discharge of industrial wastewater to Green River

Kentucky halted plans to pour millions of gallons of industrial wastewater into river hours after KRC, EIP, and other groups notified state officials of our intention to bring a civil lawsuit for violating the Clean Water Act.

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Requirement For Animal Waste Permit To Include Nutrient Management Plan Is Upheld

In a decision issued on March 15, 2024, the Kentucky Court of Appeals upheld the revocation of an animal waste permit for a large hog feeding operation for lack of filing a nutrient management plan.

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KRC Supports Resolution On PFAs Guidance

In a letter from KRC Staff Attorney Audrey Ernstberger, KRC expressed support for a resolution calling on the Energy and Environment Cabinet to offer guidance on request on strategies for addressing PFAs contamination in water discharges.

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KRC Commentary Calls For Rejection Of Sludge Landfarming Regulations

In a commentary published by the Kentucky Lantern on March 7, KRC called on the Administrative Regulation Review Subcommittee to reject proposed changes to state regulations that would weaken standards for use of city sludges on farmlands.

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KRC Shares Concerns With Sponsor And Committee On Lending Bill For Troubled Water Systems

In written comments, KRC Attorney Audrey Ernstberger shared concerns on parts of HB 563 providing a significant role for a non-governmental organization including rural water systems, in the selection of loans to troubled rural water systems.

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For Valentine's Day, we're sharing our love for mussels, which are important to Kentucky's water quality given their valuable abilities to filter water, stabilize substrate in the river, and provide habitat for other invertebrates.

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KRC Opposes Bill Criminalizing Citizen And Agency Pollution Monitoring

KRC presented testimony on February 13 against SB 16, which would make criminal the taking of photos or collecting of evidence by neighbors and government inspectors, of possible violations at food factories and animal feedlots.

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KRC's efforts to end program allowing off-permit pollutant discharges is in the news.

Along with several allies, KRC joined with the Environmental Integrity Project in asking EPA to review Kentucky's program of allowing "off-permit" discharges of wastewaters into waters of the Commonwealth. Read the Courier-Journal's coverage.

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KRC Comments On Amendment To Harrod Concrete and Stone Non-Coal Permit

KRC commented on an amendment to the Harrod Concrete and Stone limestone non-coal permit in December 2023.

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KRC Joins Allies In Petitioning EPA To End Off-Permit Water Pollution Discharges

On January 18, 2024, KRC, together with the Environmental Integrity Project, Kentucky Waterways Alliance, and Sierra Club Kentucky, petitioned EPA to end Kentucky's allowance of "off-permit" water pollutant discharges.

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KRC Opposes Biosolids Regulations Proposed By Cabinet

In response to a 2023 bill adopted by the Kentucky General Assembly, the Energy and Environment Cabinet proposed a weak regulatory framework for land application of sewage sludges. KRC is opposing that effort.

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May,26 2023

In response to U.S. Supreme Court Decision in Sackett v. EPA:

KRC responds to U.S. Supreme Court Decision in Sackett v. EPA: stating the decision "represents a disappointing setback for the decades-long national effort to restore, protect, and maintain water quality"

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KRC Partners on Call to Stop the Weakening of Clean Water Protections

On November 16, KRC joined with 116 conservation, faith, and health organizations and businesses in urging the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to withdraw its rushed Proposal to Reissue and Modify Nationwide Permits.

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Aug,27 2020

KRC Supports Clean Water

KRC was honored to be a signatory to a letter to United States Senators and Representatives highlighting water quality concerns and priorities of conservation organizations regarding the comprehensive water resources legislation pending.

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Nucor Construction on the Bank of the Ohio River

KRC comments on the request by the Nucor Corporation for Section 404 Permit for their proposed Brandenburg, Kentucky steel plate mill.

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Protecting Benham and Lynch from Expanded Mining

A petition to designate the historic districts within the cities of Benham and Lynch Kentucky and the viewshed from those districts, and the watersheds that provide the water supply for the towns as areas unsuitable for mining has been drafted by KRC

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Thousands Oppose ORSANCO's Proposal to Eliminate Water Pollution Control Standards for the Ohio River

KRC's Director, Tom FitzGerald, serves as a federal Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission (ORSANCO) commissioner and made comments opposing ORSANCO's proposal to eliminate water pollution standards for the Ohio River.

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Division of Water Proposes Last Minute Changes In Selenium Water Quality Limits

KRS Chapter 13A is designed to assure that an agency regulation is subject to public notice and comment. The agency request plainly violates both the letter and spirit of KRS Chapter 13A and deprives the public of notice and comment.

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Challenge to EPA Approval of 2013 Kentucky Water Quality Standards

Challenge to EPA Approval of 2013 Kentucky Water Quality Standards for selenium and for preventing eutrophication results in settlement agreement.

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KRC Joins the National Parks Conservation Association and 26 other groups in filing a friend of the court brief supporting the Chesapeake Bay TMDL Clean Water Blueprint

KRC Joins the National Parks Conservation Association and 26 other groups in filing a friend of the court brief supporting the Chesapeake Bay TMDL Clean Water Blueprint

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KRC Expresses Support For Removing Position of For-Profit Water Provider From Kentucky Infrastructure Authority Board

KRC Expresses Support For Removing Position of For-Profit Water Provider From Kentucky Infrastructure Authority Board

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Complaint Challenges EPA Approval of Selenium Water Quality Standard for Kentucky

Complaint Challenges EPA Approval of Selenium Water Quality Standard for Kentucky

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KRC Signs Joint Letter With 94 Other Organizations In Seeking Reforms In Federal Water Resources Development Act

KRC Signs Joint Letter With 94 Other Organizations In Seeking Reforms In Federal Water Resources Development Act

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KRC Comments on Proposed Changes to State Water Quality Standards

KRC Comments on Proposed Changes to State Water Quality Standards

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Discretionary Review Sought In Kentucky-American Water Case

Discretionary Review Sought In Kentucky-American Water Case

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Water Quality Certification for Paducah Dock Project Challenged

Water Quality Certification for Paducah Dock Project Challenged

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KRC Joins 64 Other Conservation Organizations In Joint Comments Opposing Reissuance Of Nationwide Fill Permits

KRC Joins 64 Other Conservation Organizations In Joint Comments Opposing Reissuance Of Nationwide Fill Permits

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Memorandum Of Understanding Among Mining And Water Agencies Will Implement Fill Minimization Protocol and Reduce The Size and Number of Valley Fills

Memorandum Of Understanding Among Mining And Water Agencies Will Implement Fill Minimization Protocol and Reduce The Size and Number of Valley Fills

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Frasure Creek 404 Application in Buckhorn Creek Watershed Withdrawn

Frasure Creek 404 Application in Buckhorn Creek Watershed Withdrawn

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KRC Comments On Proposed Underground Mine Near Lynch Water Reservoir

KRC Comments On Proposed Underground Mine Near Lynch Water Reservoir

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Court Remands Permits For 9 West Kentucky Confined Hog Feeding Operations

Court Remands Permits For 9 West Kentucky Confined Hog Feeding Operations

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KRC Comments On Proposed Reissuance Of Coal General Water Discharge Permit

KRC Comments On Proposed Reissuance Of Coal General Water Discharge Permit

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KRC Comments On Revisions To Kentucky Water Regulations

KRC Comments On Revisions To Kentucky Water Regulations

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Motions Challenge Kentucky-American's Condemnation Powers

Motions Challenge Kentucky-American's Condemnation Powers

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Declaratory Judgment Challenges Kentucky-American Water Company's Power To Condemn Land For Pipeline Project

Declaratory Judgment Challenges Kentucky-American Water Company's Power To Condemn Land For Pipeline Project

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6th Circuit Decision in Antidegradation Case Rejects In Part EPA's Approval of Kentucky Water Quality Rules

6th Circuit Decision in Antidegradation Case Rejects In Part EPA's Approval of Kentucky Water Quality Rules

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MSD Variance Approving Relocation of Beargrass Creek on River Metals Property Is Remanded

MSD Variance Approving Relocation of Beargrass Creek on River Metals Property Is Remanded

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Agreed Order Entered in Challenge to DOE Water Discharge Permit

Agreed Order Entered in Challenge to DOE Water Discharge Permit

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Floodplain Variance Allowing Beargrass Creek Relocation Is Challenged

Floodplain Variance Allowing Beargrass Creek Relocation Is Challenged

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Appeal Filed On Cabinet Order Upholding Issuance of Permits For Confined Hog Operations In Fulton, Carlisle and Hickman Counties

Appeal Filed On Cabinet Order Upholding Issuance of Permits For Confined Hog Operations In Fulton, Carlisle and Hickman Counties

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Comments on Glasgow Landfill Water Discharge Permit

Comments on Glasgow Landfill Water Discharge Permit

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Broader monitoring and limits sought for wastewater discharge into Lake Cumberland

Broader monitoring and limits sought for wastewater discharge into Lake Cumberland

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Water Discharge Permit For DOE Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant Challenged

Water Discharge Permit For DOE Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant Challenged

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KRC Asks For Stricter Limits On Water Discharge Permit For DOE Paducah Facility

KRC Asks For Stricter Limits On Water Discharge Permit For DOE Paducah Facility

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