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KRC questions legality of proposed regulations allowing electronic multi-message billboards, and allowing destruction of trees in public rights of way to improve billboard visibility.

KRC questions legality of proposed regulations allowing electronic multi-message billboards, and allowing destruction of trees in public rights of way to improve billboard visibility.

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AT&T Bills Would Impede, Not Expand, High Speed Rural Broadband Access

AT&T Bills Would Impede, Not Expand, High Speed Rural Broadband Access

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KRC Outlines Priorities For Reform Of Oil And Gas Laws And Regulations

KRC Outlines Priorities For Reform Of Oil And Gas Laws And Regulations

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Address To 24th Annual Heartwood Forest Council Gathering

Address To 24th Annual Heartwood Forest Council Gathering

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Renewal of Landfaming Permit to Triple M Land Farms, Inc. Is Challenged

Renewal of Landfaming Permit to Triple M Land Farms, Inc. Is Challenged

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Tom FitzGerald on Being Nominated to ORSANCO

Tom FitzGerald's Remarks on Being Nominated by President Obama as aFederal Commissioner To The Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission

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KRC Joins the National Parks Conservation Association and 26 other groups in filing a friend of the court brief supporting the Chesapeake Bay TMDL Clean Water Blueprint

KRC Joins the National Parks Conservation Association and 26 other groups in filing a friend of the court brief supporting the Chesapeake Bay TMDL Clean Water Blueprint

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Dormant Landlines In Rural Areas May Not Be Able To Reactivate Landline Service Under SB 99

Dormant Landlines In Rural Areas May Not Be Able To Reactivate Landline Service Under SB 99

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Reply Memorandum Filed In Bluegrass Pipeline Eminent Domain Case

Reply Memorandum Filed In Bluegrass Pipeline Eminent Domain Case

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KRC Expresses Support For Removing Position of For-Profit Water Provider From Kentucky Infrastructure Authority Board

KRC Expresses Support For Removing Position of For-Profit Water Provider From Kentucky Infrastructure Authority Board

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Motion Seeks Ruling That Bluegrass Pipeline Lacks Eminent Domain Power

Motion Seeks Ruling That Bluegrass Pipeline Lacks Eminent Domain Power

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