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Court of Appeals Decision Strikes Underprotective Coal Ash Regulations

In an August 21, 2018 decision, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit remanded several regulations on coal ash disposal, promulgated under the Obama Administration, which the Court found to be underprotective of the environment.

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PSC Order Accepts Complaint Against Gas Utility Discontinuing Service

In a September 7, 2018 Order, the PSC has directed Peoples Gas Ky LLC to respond to a complaint by Georgia Johnson that their plan to discontinue gas service violates their duty to furnish adequate service. Peoples Gas has ten days to respond.

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KRC Assists In Challenge To VA Hospital Proposal

KRC is working with the StroboBarkley law firm in the City of Crossgate's challenge to decision of the VA to build a new hospital on Brownsboro Road. The suit raises questions of compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act by the VA.

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LG&E/KU Tries to Trim Energy Efficiency Programs, Awaits PSC Ruling

LG&E and KU's most recent demand-side management and energy efficiency filing proposes to eliminate several programs for residential customers. KRC represents the Metro Housing Coalition in the case, which awaits decision by the PSC.

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PSC Denies LG&E and KU Application To Deploy "Smart Meters"

In an Order entered on August 30, 2018, the Kentucky Public Service Commission denied the request by LG&E and KU to Deploy Smart Meters, ruling that the utilities provided insufficient evidence to justify expense.

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Thousands Oppose ORSANCO's Proposal to Eliminate Water Pollution Control Standards for the Ohio River

KRC's Director, Tom FitzGerald, serves as a federal Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission (ORSANCO) commissioner and made comments opposing ORSANCO's proposal to eliminate water pollution standards for the Ohio River.

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State Withdraws Weak Air Toxics Regulations

The regulations had been criticized both by regulated industries and environmental organizations. KRC had recommended withdrawal of the regulatory proposal because it was underprotective of public health and the environment in many areas...

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Decision On Pine Mountain Petition

On April 27, 2001, Secretary James Bickford entered an Order - declaring that 2,364 acres of land within the area north of the Pine Mountain Settlement School as unsuitable for all types of surface coal mining operations.

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Division of Water Proposes Last Minute Changes In Selenium Water Quality Limits

KRS Chapter 13A is designed to assure that an agency regulation is subject to public notice and comment. The agency request plainly violates both the letter and spirit of KRS Chapter 13A and deprives the public of notice and comment.

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EPA Asked to Stay Effective Date of Closing Vehicle Testing

EPA Asked to Stay Effective Date of Closing Vehicle Testing in Northern Kentucky, pending judicial review

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