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KRC Opposes Bill Weakening Local Control Over Noise From Bitcoin Mining Operations

In comments, KRC expressed concerns with a bill overriding local control over noise associated with digital asset (bitcoin) mining. KRC believes local communities are best suited to determine when and where such activities should be allowed.

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KRC Supports Resolution On PFAs Guidance

In a letter from KRC Staff Attorney Audrey Ernstberger, KRC expressed support for a resolution calling on the Energy and Environment Cabinet to offer guidance on request on strategies for addressing PFAs contamination in water discharges.

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KRC concerns regarding waste hauler bill shared with committees

In written testimony, KRC Staff Attorney Audrey Ernstberger shared KRC's concerns with HB 135, which limits agency access to waste hauler route information. KRC believes such information should be available under seal to the state regulators.

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KRC And Allies Call For Improvements In Proposed Air Permit For TVA Shawnee Power Plant

Kentucky Resources Council, Inc., together with the National Parks Conservation Ass'n., Kentucky Conservation Committee, Sierra Club, and Earthjustice, commented on draft air permit seeking tighter limits and controls for TVA Shawnee power plant.

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KRC Opposes Resolution Declaring Kentucky A "Sanctuary State" From Federal Controls On Coal-fired Power Plants

In a letter to the sponsor and House Natural Resources Committee, KRC warns of possibility that resolution declaring Kentucky a "sanctuary" from federal air pollution controls on coal-fired power plants could provoke loss of air pollution program.

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Bill Limiting Provision Of Broadband By Municipal Utility Boards Opposed

KRC provided written and oral testimony in opposition to Senate Bill 220, which would seek to limit the ability of city joint water and electric boards to offer other public services such as broadband.

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Bill Selectively Moving Venue For Constitutional Cases Opposed

KRC provided written and oral testified in opposition to House Bill 804, which would arbitrarily and selectively mandate changes in venue for constitutional challenges to laws, regulations, and agency orders.

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Legislative Update #10 Complete through March 8, 2024

Each week when the General Assembly is in session, KRC posts and updates a list and description of the bills and resolutions we're supporting, opposing, and tracking. This list is complete through end of day March 8, 2024.

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KRC Testimony Suggests Changes To Solid Waste Bill On Access To Records

In comments to the Senate State and Local Government Committee, Staff Attorney Audrey Ernstberger suggested a better approach on HB 135 to shielding proprietary info on waste haulers information while allowing government access needed for planning.

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SB 349: Favoring Coal Interests Above Ratepayers And Environment

In testimony before the Senate Natural Resources and Energy Committee on March 6, 2024, KRC Staff Attorney Audrey Ernstberger outlined why KRC opposes SB 349, a bill that seeks to stem utility use of renewable energy and would increase utility rates.

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KRC Commentary Calls For Rejection Of Sludge Landfarming Regulations

In a commentary published by the Kentucky Lantern on March 7, KRC called on the Administrative Regulation Review Subcommittee to reject proposed changes to state regulations that would weaken standards for use of city sludges on farmlands.

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Legislative Update #9 Complete Through March 1, 2024

Each week when the General Assembly is in session, KRC posts and updates a list and description of the bills and resolutions we're supporting, opposing, and tracking. This list is complete through end of day March 1, 2024.

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KRC Shares Concerns With Sponsor And Committee On Lending Bill For Troubled Water Systems

In written comments, KRC Attorney Audrey Ernstberger shared concerns on parts of HB 563 providing a significant role for a non-governmental organization including rural water systems, in the selection of loans to troubled rural water systems.

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KRC Voices Concerns On HB 478, Which Allows Doubling Size Of CDD Landfills Lacking Key Protections

In written comments on House Bill 478, KRC Staff Attorney Audrey Ernstberger shared KRC concerns with allowing the doubling of size of construction/demolition landfills lacking liners and groundwater monitoring.

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2024 Legislative Update #8: Bills We're Watching, Complete Through February 23, 2024

The 2024 General Assembly has passed the halfway mark and KRC is again tracking environmental, conservation, consumer, energy, and general government bills and resolutions. This is the latest update on bills we're supporting, opposing and tracking.

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Working With Allies To Oppose Bill Lowering Safety for Underground Miners

HB 85 would reduce the number of emergency medical or mine emergency technicians required to be on shift from 2 to 1 for shifts with 10 or fewer underground miners. Reducing the required medical personnel compromises the safety of those miners.

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KRC joined with 50+ other organizations in releasing a policy platform identifying the problems behind a new wave of unreclaimed coal mines, and the policy changes needed to address them.

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Legislative Alert #7 2024 General Assembly In Session

Each week we publish a summary of environmental, conservation, energy, and general government bills and resolutions of interest in the 2024 Session. This update of bills we're tracking, supporting, or opposing is complete through February 16, 2024.

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For Valentine's Day, we're sharing our love for mussels, which are important to Kentucky's water quality given their valuable abilities to filter water, stabilize substrate in the river, and provide habitat for other invertebrates.

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KRC Opposes Bill Criminalizing Citizen And Agency Pollution Monitoring

KRC presented testimony on February 13 against SB 16, which would make criminal the taking of photos or collecting of evidence by neighbors and government inspectors, of possible violations at food factories and animal feedlots.

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