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Earth Day In The Cumberlands: 2009

Earth Day In The Cumberlands: 2009

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The Challenges Ahead

This is a time of great crisis and great opportunity. We have reached an important point in Kentucky’utility policies, standing with one foot in the past where adding value for the coal industry was the preeminent political concern, and...

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Current Issues In The Regulation of Coal Ash

Current Issues In The Regulation of Coal Ash

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timony On Need To Better Control "Beneficial Reuse" of Coal Combustion Wastes

KRC Supplements Testimony On Need To Better Control "Beneficial Reuse" of Coal Combustion Wastes And For Federal Regulatory Framework For Managing Coal Combustion Ash

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EPA Expresses Concerns Over Issuance of Authorizations For Dumping Mine Fill Material in Headwater Streams.

EPA Expresses Concerns Over Issuance of Authorizations For Dumping Mine Fill Material in Headwater Streams.

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Updated Transition Paper On Surface Mining Includes Discussion of Rahall Remining Amendment

Updated Transition Paper On Surface Mining Includes Discussion of Rahall Remining Amendment

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KRC Director Testifies Before Congressional Subcommittee On Need For Comprehensive Regulation Of Coal Combustion Wastes

KRC Director Testifies Before Congressional Subcommittee On Need For Comprehensive Regulation Of Coal Combustion Wastes

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Margaret Mead Was Right!

MARGARET MEAD WAS RIGHT! A Conversation About Energy, Community, and Justice In A Time Of Great Turmoil

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KRC Develops Background Briefing Paper on Mining Issues For Incoming Administration

KRC Develops Background Briefing Paper on Mining Issues For Incoming Administration

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Kentucky American Seeks Dismissal Of Lawsuit Challenging Its Power To Condemn

Kentucky American Seeks Dismissal Of Lawsuit Challenging Its Power To Condemn

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Challenge To Kentucky Pioneer Merchant Power Plant Siting Dismissed

Challenge To Kentucky Pioneer Merchant Power Plant Siting Dismissed

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Declaratory Judgment Challenges Kentucky-American Water Company's Power To Condemn Land For Pipeline Project

Declaratory Judgment Challenges Kentucky-American Water Company's Power To Condemn Land For Pipeline Project

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6th Circuit Decision in Antidegradation Case Rejects In Part EPA's Approval of Kentucky Water Quality Rules

6th Circuit Decision in Antidegradation Case Rejects In Part EPA's Approval of Kentucky Water Quality Rules

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Sue Anne Salmon Honored For Her Many Years of Working For Justice

Sue Anne Salmon Honored For Her Many Years of Working For Justice

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Concerned About Strip Mining Abuses? Here Are Some Things You Can Do!

Concerned About Strip Mining Abuses? Here Are Some Things You Can Do!

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