Recent News

Sep,03 2019

Proposed Revisions to Kentucky's Oil and Gas Regulations

KRC comments on proposed revisions to Kentucky's oil and gas regulations. The Oil and Gas Workgroup,(KRC is a member) continues to develop consensus improvements in the regulation of the environmental impacts of oil and gas development in Kentucky.

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New Pipeline Regulations in Boyle County

On August 28, 2019, the Danville-Boyle County Planning and Zoning Commission unanimously passed the increased regulations, providing a safer community for Boyle County residents.

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Aug,01 2019

Electronic Waste: Making the Case for E-Waste Recycling Programs

Despite the fact that almost all e-waste can be reused, refurbished, or recycled, only 20% is actually handled appropriately due in large part to the lack of regulation and recycling infrastructure.

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Ongoing Work to Protect Bernheim Forest in Bullitt County

In April 2019, LG&E, a utility company based in Louisville, Kentucky, announced the construction of a new natural gas transmission pipeline in Bullitt County. This pipeline was explained as necessary in order for LG&E to meet the growth in the area.

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Jul,10 2019

Environmental Justice 101

Environmental justice is a concept that proposes a more equitable distribution of pollution burdens throughout the United States. Kentucky Resources Council's policy team, Tom FitzGerald, and Liz Edmondson outline the steps needed to pursue this.

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KRC Joins 50 Environmental Groups Calling for Moratorium on Federal Coal Leasing

On behalf of our millions of members and supporters, we urge you to restore the 2016 moratorium on new federal coal leasing until the federal government can complete a thorough programmatic environmental impact review of the federal coal leasing.

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Petition Filed to Protect Water Sources of Benham & Lynch from Strip Mining

Four residents of Harlan County have petitioned to designate the historic districts of the towns Benham and Lynch, Kentucky, the viewshed of those districts, and the water sources of the towns as unsuitable for strip mining.

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Protecting Benham and Lynch from Expanded Mining

A petition to designate the historic districts within the cities of Benham and Lynch Kentucky and the viewshed from those districts, and the watersheds that provide the water supply for the towns as areas unsuitable for mining has been drafted by KRC

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Public Service Commission Ordered To Allow Participation In LG&E Rate Case By Low-Income Advocates And Sierra Club

The Franklin Circuit Court granted a Temporary Injunction ordering the Public Service Commission to allow low-income and environmental advocacy groups to participate in pending LG&E and KU rate cases.

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Court of Appeals Decision Strikes Underprotective Coal Ash Regulations

In an August 21, 2018 decision, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit remanded several regulations on coal ash disposal, promulgated under the Obama Administration, which the Court found to be underprotective of the environment.

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PSC Order Accepts Complaint Against Gas Utility Discontinuing Service

In a September 7, 2018 Order, the PSC has directed Peoples Gas Ky LLC to respond to a complaint by Georgia Johnson that their plan to discontinue gas service violates their duty to furnish adequate service. Peoples Gas has ten days to respond.

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KRC Assists In Challenge To VA Hospital Proposal

KRC is working with the StroboBarkley law firm in the City of Crossgate's challenge to decision of the VA to build a new hospital on Brownsboro Road. The suit raises questions of compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act by the VA.

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LG&E/KU Tries to Trim Energy Efficiency Programs, Awaits PSC Ruling

LG&E and KU's most recent demand-side management and energy efficiency filing proposes to eliminate several programs for residential customers. KRC represents the Metro Housing Coalition in the case, which awaits decision by the PSC.

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PSC Denies LG&E and KU Application To Deploy "Smart Meters"

In an Order entered on August 30, 2018, the Kentucky Public Service Commission denied the request by LG&E and KU to Deploy Smart Meters, ruling that the utilities provided insufficient evidence to justify expense.

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Thousands Oppose ORSANCO's Proposal to Eliminate Water Pollution Control Standards for the Ohio River

KRC's Director, Tom FitzGerald, serves as a federal Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission (ORSANCO) commissioner and made comments opposing ORSANCO's proposal to eliminate water pollution standards for the Ohio River.

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