Recent News

May,12 2021

KRC Supports Implementation Guidance for the Water Resources Development Act

The undersigned 74 conservation, faith, civic, social justice, and recreation organizations appreciate the opportunity to comment on the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) implementation guidance (Guidance) for the Water Resources Development Act..

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May,11 2021

KRC Supports Whistleblower Protections

Government Accountability Project and the undersigned 264 organizations write to support freedom of speech protections for whistleblowers who strengthen our nation’s democracy, challenge abuses of power that betray the public trust, and catalyze...

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Apr,26 2021

2021 Legislative Update: The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly

As we have after each legislative session since 1984, we present “The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly” - the highs and lows of the 2021 General Assembly in Regular Session.

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Mar,31 2021

2021 Legislative Update: #9

The Kentucky General Assembly reconvened March 29 and 30th for two final days and adjourned sine die (until January 2022 unless called into Special Session by the Governor before then) on March 30.

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Mar,29 2021

2021 Legislative Update: Action Alert 4 on HB272

Please email today and call Monday morning and ask Kentucky Representatives and Senators to "Let the veto of HB 272 stand." Take a minute to give yourself a hand, because you've done GREAT so far. Your calls and emails helped convince the Governor...

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Mar,19 2021

2021 Legislative Update: Action Alert 3 on HB272

House Bill 272 has gotten a lot of press because it allows small rural Water Districts and Water Associations to charge at 10% late fee on water bills, and prevents the Public Service Commission, which regulates them, from disallowing those late fees

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Mar,18 2021

2021 Legislative Update: #8

TWO DAYS LEFT! WHAT'S GOING ON IN FRANKFORT? This list profiles the environmental, conservation, consumer, and general government bills that the Kentucky Resources Council is supporting, opposing, and tracking during the 2021 General Assembly...

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Mar,16 2021

2021 Legislative Update: #7

This list profiles the environmental, conservation, consumer, and general government bills that the Kentucky Resources Council is supporting, opposing, and tracking during the 2021 General Assembly Regular; complete through the end of day March 12. 

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Mar,09 2021

2021 Legislative Update: #6

This list profiles the environmental, conservation, consumer, and general government bills that the Kentucky Resources Council is supporting, opposing, and tracking during the 2021 General Assembly Regular Session. This list is current thru March 5.

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Feb,26 2021

2021 Legislative Update: #5

This list profiles the environmental, conservation, consumer, and general government bills that the Kentucky Resources Council is supporting, opposing, and tracking during the 2021 General Assembly Regular Session. This year is a “short” session...

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Feb,16 2021

2021 Legislative Update #4

This edition includes updates on those bills passed by the General Assembly during the first week which have either been vetoed or have become law since the GA recessed (there is only one, SB 9), and those whose veto has been overridden...

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Feb,05 2021

2021 Legislative Update #3

2021 Legislative Update: 3rd Edition. This edition includes updates on those bills passed by the Kentucky General Assembly during the 1st week which have either been vetoed or have become law since the General Assembly recessed.

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Jan,29 2021

PSC Rules On Rate Increases Sought By Kentucky Power Company

PSC Rules On Rate Increases Sought By Kentucky Power Company Commission defers decision on net metering, while providing important victories for ratepayers  on most issues.

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KRC Represents Sierra Club, Citizens Coal Council, Appalachian Voices

Citizens Coal Council, Appalachian Voices, and Sierra Club — filed suit in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia challenging the Office of Surface Mining, Reclamation, and Enforcement's final Ten-Day Notice Rule.

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Jan,14 2021

2021 Legislative Update #2

This list profiles the environmental, conservation, consumer and general government bills that the Kentucky Resources Council is supporting, opposing, and tracking during the 2021 General Assembly Regular Session. This year is a “short” session, and

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Jan,11 2021

2021 Legislative Update #1

Kentucky's 2021 General Assembly is now in session and KRC is working hard to monitor the environmental, energy, and public health bills. Catch up on week 1.

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Request for Information on the Equal Credit Opportunity Act

KRC joined 47 other consumer, civil rights, community, housing, & other public interest organizations in submitting comments in response to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)’s Request for Information on the Equal Credit Opportunity Act

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KRC Partners to Request the Abandonment of the Yazoo Pumps Project

KRC Partners to Request the Abandonment of the Yazoo Pumps Project

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KRC Partners to Request Toxic PFAS a Remain a Priority in FY2021

KRC joined with over 80 other organizations across the Nation in calling on the leadership of the House and Senate Appropriations Committees to continue to make addressing toxic per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)...

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KRC Partners on Call to Stop the Weakening of Clean Water Protections

On November 16, KRC joined with 116 conservation, faith, and health organizations and businesses in urging the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to withdraw its rushed Proposal to Reissue and Modify Nationwide Permits.

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